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hi-fi loudspeakers

It doesn't matter how good your speakers are if they don't work well in your room. All rooms are different, but there are certain design aspects that can help a speaker work better in any given room. This has shaped our brand offerings to include Amphion, Eggleston Works, Eclipse, KEF, Larsen, Perlisten, Paradigm, Fyne Audio, and Ophidian.

Amphion loudspeakers,

amphion loudspeakers

stylish loudspeakers hand made in Finland, utilising technology and waveguide designs from Amphion's studio loudspeaker range to minimise their interaction with the room

Eggleston Works loudspeakers,

eggleston works loudspeakers

hand-made, high-end loudspeakers from American manufacturer Eggleston Works, based in Memphis, Tennessee

eclipse loudspeakers

genuine point source performance from Japanese manufacturer Eclipse, with a range of single driver loudspeakers producing speed and accuracy very few can even approach

Eclipse loudspeakers,

fyne audio loudspeakers

British loudspeakers incorporating Fyne's IsoFlare point-source, dual concentric driver array

Fyne Audio loudspeakers,

larsen loudspeakers

Swedish built loudspeakers designed to work against walls, ideal for those wanting high end sound quality but not wanting to sacrifice floor space

Larsen loudspeakers,

ophidian M series loudspeakers


using Aeroflex technology, Ophidian's compact M Series produces fast, deep, natural sound bass that belies their cabinet size

Ophidian M Series loudspeakers,

perlisten R series loudspeakers


controlled directivity with ported and sealed option results in a highly room-friendly loudspeaker

Perlisten R Series loudspeakers,

perlisten S series loudspeakers


controlled directivity with ported and sealed option results in a highly room-friendly loudspeaker

Perlisten S Series speaker range,

paradigm founder series loudspeakers


controlled directivity and a host of other useful technology result in a highly capable room friendly loudspeaker 

Paradigm Founder Series speaker range,

kef Q series loudspeakers


britain's most technologically advanced loudspeakers, untilising KEF's UniQ driver technology, producing point-source sound reproduction for better imaging, and more predictable in-room performance

KEF Q Series loudspeakers,

kef R series loudspeakers


the quality of KEF's R Series belie their size and price thanks to their UniQ driver array producing predictable results in almost any type of room - their finish and real wood veneer is the cherry on top

KEF R Series loudspeakers,

kef LS network loudspeakers


active loudspeakers ideal for network and wireless music streaming

KEF LS60 loudspeakers,
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